How does MembershipManager Pricing work?

  1. We have a base fee of $495 per month
  2. If you have 2000 active members or less: No additional charges
  3. If you have have more than 2000 active members. There is a monthly fee per active member. If you look to the chart on the right side of this page. You will see the more active members you have, the lower the monthly fee. The first 2000 members are FREE.

For example: 4200 active members

  1. 1st 2000 active members $495
  2. 4200 - 2000 = 2200 active members
  3. 2200 active members x $.45 = $990
  4. $495 + $990 = $1,485

$495 Per Month for up to 2000 active members.

If you have more than 2000 active members, please contact us for pricing:

Telephone: 866-722-0010
